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A praxinoscope

Wheel Of Life

Exhibition Design

Building zoetropes and other stuff for an art exhibition.

A brown cartoon bear in front of a big red heart

ECMO Animation

Motion Design, UX Research

An animation for a research study on the effects of media on informed consent.

A drawing of a humanoid dog with its arms on its hips.

3D Zoetrope


Interactive 3D Zoetrope and animation tool for Wheel Of Life.

A red movie ticket with the words 'doc archive' on it.

docfilms Archive

Webapp, System Design

Archival search tool for one of the nation's oldest film societies.


Documentary, Motion Design

A documentary exploring the journey and growth of a budding quantum computer scientist.

Signal Wrapped

CLI App, Data Visualization

A command line tool to decrypt, export, and visualize your Signal group chat messages.